Thursday 5 February 2015


"Social media, my love...she keeps me in touch with my closest neighbour at a click, a peek, jitter of a sound, hand-clap", that`s my personal view as Edgar `cause nothing is quite far from me. I wake up in the morning, anticipating a call from just about anyone, only to be cut across by the view of an interesting feature on the tele and perhaps, the Internet fills in accordingly for whatever I miss as the day progresses.
                     Parents, back in the day, weren`t exposed to so much clicking and touch-pads+ screens. Let`s assume technology wasn`t so in touch with them yet but now, some are picking up the heat from the years on earth. Meanwhile, we the young ones, kill years and decades fidgeting with these gizmos and tech language for a number of reasons like association with fellow peers, urge to remain up to date with global developments as well as to pass time, as we love saying it. It`s so sad for the elderly to say that social media has built our quickest graves rather than made us better world citizens because we communicate with them on a regular basis, passing on quick updates "thru" fb" (Facebook), "Tweets" (Twitter) and the mother of all invisible transporters, "WA" (Whatsapp). Besides, we get to trace all our long-lost friends from dem-days( ages ago) and breathe life into them, like they had been dead....hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa....A dedication to my darling, Social Media
                      The world has witnessed tremendous changes `cause of this "darling", social media, like creation of developmental movements world-over, world leaders losing their balance, rising of better services in our respective communities, immoral activity being exposed and condemned openly... Our thinking, alone, has changed because we view issues on a global scale in which ever class, category, field, profession, dominion since the world out there is always watching and listening to all we do.
                       Well, only one downside is very clear...much of the world has lost real-time personal touch and connection since we are always meanly, jealously looking right at lighting screens or nodding our heads along. We no longer have time for our own family since we are in hiding from the harsh, smiling, judgmental world but I believe, just the way we fell in deep endless love with this darling, we can still re-trace our ways back to the real, intimate, annoying and smiling judgmental world of OURS.